2015 and 2014 blog posts are archived to see images I've taken over the last 2 years.

Mother of 2 ( ages 14 months and 4 yrs)

-Talie (mother of 2)


-Rubi (mother of 2)

The Public Breastfeeding Awareness Project has opened doors of opportunity for educating and providing valuable information to both new mothers or those that may not know anything about breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is key to sustainable development, and by normalizing it as a society, we're allowing our youngest members of society the best possible start in life.
Meet my cousin Carla, it's crazy to believe that I can remember her as a nursling herself. I'm proud of the superb job she's doing as a mother and it warms my heart to have been able to catch a snippet of the nursing relationship she has fostered with her son

"The bond between a mother and child is everlasting and breastfeeding made me realize that there is no greater love. It has made me realize that my son is my priority and that even if it was something new to me, a new experience that made me uncomfortable in the beginning due to all the leaking everywhere, it is still worth it because it is not about me, it is about what is best for him.
The first few days after Liam was born he was not latching on correctly, (while I thought he was) my poor baby was crying of hunger and I didn’t even know it! When I figured out the problem, I gave him some formula that the hospital provided so he can have something to eat while I went to the doctor to ask for help. I was worried that I would not be able to breast feed him, but I didn’t want to give up. The doctor showed me some techniques and I was able to finally feed my baby. I have been breastfeeding him ever since. I am so happy that I chose to breastfeed and provide him the best nutrients possible. Not only is it beneficial for his physical health but for his emotional health as well. He is a healthy beautiful growing boy and I will continue to do everything in my power to keep it that way."
-Carla (mother of 1)

"I'm so truly blessed to have been able to breastfeed all three of my babies. My first nursling was quite a challenge. She was born at 35.5 weeks and wouldn't latch without a nipple shield for the first 3 weeks but I was determined to nurse my baby. We finally ditched the shield after many tears and frustrations and continued to exclusively breastfeed her until about 11 months when I found out I was pregnant with my second child. If I knew what I know now I would have nursed while pregnant but I was uneducated and my OB advised I stop. I went on to breastfeed my son until about 11 months as well. He had severe food allergies and I was on a strict elimination diet but again nothing could stop me from breastfeeding. Now I have my 3rd beautiful child a baby girl who is 15 months old and we are still going strong! I'm so passionate about breastfeeding now that I plan to become a lactation consultant."
-Ashley Herring 3 children (2 girls 1 boy)

-Sarah Sale (mother of 2, ages 4 and 1.5 yrs)

In the very beginning, only I could provide his food, his nourishment, I was literally his lifeline. Now, it is still his safe space, his home-plate, his comfort zone that is just his. A special time for both of us to reconnect, become grounded, reset & recharge. His safe haven. Not only has it brought us closer, but it has also brought me closer to other nursing moms as we are all on a similar journey together. The camaraderie of providing the best start for our children, and knowing we have that in common, has opened the door for many friendships. Whether starting a new friendship, or sharing a knowing smile & nod across a room, we are joined by our sisterhood. Although my son currently doesn't seem like he will be weaning any time soon, I cherish every nursing session because one day it will be our last. But I know that because of our nursing relationship, we have created a bond that will always be strong and special."
-Christina (Mom of 1, 23 months)
-Caitlin (mother of 1)
-Natalie (mother of 2)

- Shaina (mother of 2)

God made our bodies so special. Being able to breastfeed both of my daughters has been one of my greatest gifts. When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I knew I wanted to breastfeed for as long we both wanted to. I breastfed her until she was 3.5 years old. Even though I didn't have a time limit in my head, I honestly never really thought we'd go that long. I am so glad we did. Currently, I am 7 months into my breastfeeding journey with my second daughter and am really excited to see where it takes us. Breastfeeding has always been so intuitive & normal to us and it's benefited us all in so many ways. There are so many myths, struggles, and such that may deter many mom's from breastfeeding. I'd encourage them to surround themselves with support and research. These two things helped me along the way. I will always be so grateful that I was able to give my daughters this gift. I hope that they always see breastfeeding as normal and important.”
-Farrah (mother of 2)
– Gina (mother of 1)

-Kasey (first time mom to MacKenzie)

-Dodi (mother of 3)

-Christa (mother of twins)
-Marbella (mother of 1)

there will be mercy in the world."
- R.Yemima Mizrachi
-Lily (owner of Lilyta Photography)
Happy World Breastfeeding Week